Friday, April 13, 2012

18 month statistics

we had haley's 18 month checkup today.  she did great!  the dr we saw was awesome too. 
haley did have a case of hives today, though!  she woke up with lots of clusters of red, raised bumps.  they were on her legs, arms, diaper area, and neck.  i called the nurse and she advised to give her benadryl and use hydrocortisone cream, and that she should stay home today.  so, i did and within an hour they were all gone.  but, after her afternoon nap, some of them were back.  so, at our 3:00 appt, the dr did get to see some of them, and confirmed it was hives.  cause is unknown at the moment.  she said if they keep coming back daily it could be related to seasonal allergies.  the pollen has been terrible here lately!

she is 34 1/2 inches, with is apparently the height of a 26 month old!!  so, looks like she got daddy's genes! 
she is 27.4 lbs, in the 80th percentile. 
she got 1 shot today, the hepA. 
she has all her teeth except 2 yr molars

we talked some about discipline, since she's starting to get into the terrible 2s already - pushing, hitting, "NO", "MINE", not listening, etc. so we've enforced time out at home on occasion.

she did so good at her dr appt that we opted to get her a toy but she had a MELTDOWN at Toys R US, and all the way home, so we really had to invoke the dr's advice! 

she's gotten pretty good at reciting all the family member's names, as well as her teachers and classmates.  she can say around 30-50 words by our estimate.  she's said a few 2-word phrases so far, and says thank you and bless you when we sneeze ! 

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