Saturday, April 23, 2011

it's been a long two weeks !

so a few days after haley started daycare full time, and right when i started work (april 6),  haley got her first cold.  first time to be sick, actually.  she started running a fever between 100-101 days 7-11, and ate very little starting on day 8.  well, on night 11, her temp spiked to 102.  i was heading out for a business trip early that next morning, so trey took her to the doctor and was told that it was likely a sinus infection. so, he filled the prescription for an antibiotic and gave her the first dose. she then took a short nap, woke up and threw up ~4 times within 15 minutes. turns out that she was dehydrated from not eating much the prior 3 days, so when she threw up, it put her over the edge.  she became unresponsive so trey called 911; she rode in the ambulance & they monitored her in the hospital & gave her fluids thru an IV.  i'm at a workshop in paulsboro NJ, so made arrangements to get back home ASAP.  all the x-rays and major tests came back negative, so no major worries. but she was dehydrated and did have elevated white blood cell counts indicating an infection.
they didn't think it was an allergic reaction to the meds, so i gave her another does tues morning. well, she threw up two more times on tuesday so we went back to dr and did another blood test.  her white blood counts had dropped significantly from time at the ER, so we weren't sure she really needed the medsfriday.  unfortunatly, she kep running a high temp all week (highest was 103 wed night), so we went back to the dr on thursday..we did another blood test and the white blood cells were back up, so something was going on.  we agreed upon a shot of penicillin and ditched the oral antibiotic.  apparently the shot does not have the same stomach side effects since it does not go thru the GI track.  she actually played a little bit that evening, which was a great b-day present for me! she was still not feeling great on friday, but has not run a fever in over 48 hrs now, so we are on the right track.  her appetite was much improved the last few days and the diarrhea is subsiding.  i was mixing pedialyte in the formula to ensure she does not get dehydrated again from the diarrhea.  she took great naps today, so we're hoping for a good night.  it's been a long week but we're thankful she's getting better!  hopefully it will be atleast a few months before she gets sick again!!! 
here's a pic of her in the little hospital gown. 
back home after an ambulance ride and spending the day in the hospital

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