Sunday, July 3, 2011

update on haley @ 9.5 months old.

It’s hard to believe haley is 9 ½ months old already! 
since my crawling post in june, she has gotten very good at crawling and standing up  / scooting along against things.  just this weekend, she's starting to take her hands off of the things she is standing next to...just for a few work on her balance.  it's really cool to see.   

from an eating standpoint, she's doing great. we introduced finger foods (puffs) on june 26 and have since added cheerios to the menu.  she is having solids 3 times a day (btwn 2-4 oz each time), and a snack of puffs once, plus between 25 & 30 oz of formula a day.  so, a very healthy eater at 9.5 months old!  on the food front, we have tried green beans, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, squash, apples, bananas, pears, peaches, mango, and chicken.  they have all been a hit.  the one thing that didn't really agree with her was apples mixed with cherries.  seemed to upset her tummy.  she did really well with the chicken, but it's courser than the other foods, so a little adjustment.  and we have to be sure to give her something with a good amt of fiber the same day, otherwise the high protein of the chicken tends to clog her up a bit.  we also tried a sippy cup on june 26, with water only.  she has the hang of drinking from it, but still does not realize that she has to tip it back, so we're helping her in that area.

she's still not taking great naps at daycare, but we are working to adjust her bottles to be closer to nap time and it seemed to help 2 days so far.  fingers crossed it will help going forward.

haley got her first ear infection the day i left for miami (june 20)!  poor thing.  the doc told us we were lucky she had not had one earlier.  she finished her antibiotic a few days ago, but something still seems to be uncomfortable for her, so we'll go back for a follow-up asap.   on the day of her visit she weighed 21 lbs.

she still has 2 teeth on the bottom, and none on top.  but, that does not seem to make a difference with the puffs & cheerios. 

she's a chatter box these days -- no real words except mama & dada, but nonstop noise either babbling or singing.  i started making indian sounds on her mouth when she makes long noises, and she loves it!

standing up to see da da

see how tall i am !  28 inches when last measured end of april.

sporting the outfit from aunt sara & uncle jake

family photo after we came back from miami

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