Sunday, August 14, 2011

it's been a while!

the last month has been really busy, especially since i was gone for 2 weeks of it !  i had a business trip to singapore & melbourne, so grandma preisler flew up to help trey out while i was gone.  it was REALLY hard leaving and being gone so long, but i kept very busy while i was away, which helped.  i was so happy when i got back and she wanted to come to me right away.  ;-)

haley will be 11 months old next week.  since my last update, haley has really gotten good at standing up on her own (without pulling up on anything), balancing while standing...clapping while standing and walking with our fingers.  the last few days she has started grabbing our fingers and pulling us along while she walks.  it's really cool to see her want to walk.  and, she's getting very quick too. 

she's eating solids 3x a day and finger foods once per day. lately she's tried plums, bananas, goldfish, graham crackers, cantelope, green beans, teething biscuits, and mashed potatoes.  she's still taking 5 bottles a day - between 20 and 28 oz a day in total.  and she's drinking a few oz of water from her sippy cup each day too.  sometimes she forgets that she has to tip the sippy cup back to get the water, but she's definitely getting better.

she is a LOT of fun now - laughing a lot, waving to people, and constantly real words yet.  but, she definitely knows that trey is 'da da'.  i can say "haley, where is daddy?", and she will turn to him and wave...and sometimes say da da along with it.  she does not do the same thing with me yet.  

her hair is getting pretty long but the clips keep slipping out due to how fine it is.  and she is not a fan of head bands or hats. so for now the hair will just be a bit wild.  we comb it every day but it is everywhere by the end of the day. 

not sure how tall she is, but she was weighed 1 week ago and was 21 lbs 6 oz. she only looks chubby in the cheeks, but the rest of her body is pretty slim.   she has 4 teeth in total - 2 on top & 2 on bottom. 

here are some pics:

first time to eat a teething biscuit

she REALLY liked it !

"palming" her ball !

another angle of her palming the ball

every time we open the fridge she races over to get the mustard.

pretty bow

hey you!

chubby cheeks!

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